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Be the Right Match

Complete Your Doctor Match™ Profile Today and Get Ready to Welcome New Patients!

When physicians and their patients have a similar outlook on health care, their working relationship can prosper.

Office visits can be more collaborative and productive. Patients may be more inclined to follow their doctors’ care plans. And physicians may be more successful in guiding patients toward better health and wellness.

That's why Highmark developed the online Doctor Match tool. This helpful online quiz enables patients to connect with PCPs and/or OB-GYNs who share their perspective on health care.

We introduced Doctor Match to our network physicians and members in Delaware last spring. And if you’re a PCP or OB-GYN in Delaware, you can still participate.

Completing the Doctor Match quiz is fast. It's easy. And it can help your practice build more meaningful relationships with your Highmark patients.

How it works

The physicians in your practice take a quick online quiz to answer questions about their treatment philosophy and communication style. Patients answer similar questions to pinpoint qualities they’re looking for in a doctor. Our proprietary algorithm then lists the doctors who are their closest match.

Doctor Match can help you:

  • Grow your practice to include more like-minded patients.
  • Develop fulfilling, long-term professional relationships with your patients.
  • Provide better experiences so your patients rate you higher in satisfaction surveys.

Our algorithm will only match patients with physicians who have completed Doctor Match profiles.

Complete the quiz

Completing the quiz only takes five to seven minutes. Ask your practice’s physicians to follow these simple instructions to make sure their information is included in the Doctor Match tool:

  • Log in to NaviNet®.
  • Click Doctor Match Quiz on the left-hand side of the homepage under Workflows for This Plan.
  • Complete the quiz.

Your physicians can also access the quiz by clicking this icon:

During consumer testing in 2017, nearly three out of four consumers agreed Doctor Match is a good way to find an ideal match, and two-thirds would be likely to try it.*

Please ask the physicians in your office to take the Doctor Match quiz today and help new patients find your practice!

*Doctor Match Consumer Perception Study, September 2017, Highmark Health

Important Legal Information: Doctor Match is intended to help patients choose a health care provider and is not guaranteed as being definitive. Doctor Match is not a guarantee of patient selection, compatibility, volume, payment, or that a service will be covered. Completion of the Doctor Match quiz (questionnaire) is voluntary; however, if you choose to complete it, your answers must be true and correct. The Doctor Match quiz (questionnaire) is confidential and proprietary and is not permitted to be distributed or used by others without Highmark’s express consent. See the full Doctor Match legal notice at .

